Sunday 24 August 2014

Rise of the Selfie Wanker by Curly Mim

Selfies are strange aren’t they. I find them so awkward and every time I post one on instagram or whatever I feel a little embarrassed inside. How could you not? Especially those mirror ones, and ones taken by men! Urgh! For some reason I do find it less embarrassing for women and I’m sorry if my man was taking and posting half naked pics, and pouting pics, and workout pics (I mean who gives a crap if your in the gym, go and workout out then…) well he just wouldn’t be my man…not my type.

Now i’m not saying that I don’t take selfies, I do, and after careful consideration I might even put one on the world wide web. But…I’m not the most confident person – not that I think I’m hideous either, that would be a bit over dramatic. However, every time I try to take a selfie I always end up analysing my face and coming up with ten thousand flaws…like my wonky nose that you can only see if you catch my face at the right angle and intensely stare, or my eyes that look cock-eyed (sorry don’t know the politically correct word) especially if I’m drunk, or that fact that my bottom lip always looks gigantic compared to my top one, or that my smile is lop sided, or my hair looks shit…you get the picture. So obviously at this point I’ve deleted the picture and any others in my phone just incase I lose it and someone discovers my secret stash of selfies and thinks I’m the most vain person on the planet for reasons unknown – which of course, I’m not. (I’m laughing now because I actually do this and it’s ridiculous)
Anyway back to the point…Living in a time where people are so caught up on image, perfection, acceptance and eagerness to be liked, the rise of the self proclaimed ‘selfie wanker’ is on the increase. I think as humans we naturally seek acceptance from one another anyway as a means to survive. Historically I mean, if you believe in Neanderthals and the like, we needed people to like us so that they didn’t kill us. But now in the New Age the selfie is the perfect way to get this gratification we so desperately need. You could be having a shit day post a picture of yourself, get a few likes and instantly feel better…wanted. But why seek it from total strangers? People that you might not ever meet, people that will like your picture but not say hello to you in the street…weird. I don’t get that. People that will judge you just based on what you look like. Are you not more than that? Are WE not more than that? I think we are…the problem is a lot of young people nowadays see success in followers and likes…this just baffles me especially if you’re not even trying to promote a business! It’s crazy, so much people want to be famous and with the rise in reality tv, and the de-sensitization of sex in the media its not hard to see why, you don’t even have to be talented these days, if you can take a good ass shot your half way there. Sex sells as they say. (But that’s a whole other post) Anyway, I know I wouldn’t want to be judged in that way. I’d much rather someone say I was a ‘bad bitch’ because of my bad ass opinions or amazing because of what I do for other people or beautiful because I try to see the best in everything and everyone (which admittedly can be quite a challenge)…not because I take nice pictures…of myself.
I’ve got to admit though, somewhere deep down in the pit of self worth I do secretly wish I was a little more confident, like the ‘selfie wankers’ of todays society. I could imagine I would feel somewhat liberated to break free from the shackles of self consciousness and not give a fuck about what anyone else thought of me.
But they do care, we all care about what other people think, because we all have the need to be liked, loved, accepted by someone. We, mankind depend on it…

(Here is a selection of some of my best, worst and favourite selfies from the stash!)

Curly Mim x

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