Friday 22 August 2014

Introducing Curly Tam! My life story whilst getting through UNI screaming with blood, sweat and tears (Set me free).

I am a strong believer in everything should come for free or be handed to me on a plate. But that's what Aquarians do, we live on cloud 9 and by the way I LOVE it there.

I am a mother of a 7yr old extraordinaire AND the owner of a shed with four wheels and no 1st gear!

My weakness is definitely fashion if I like it I buy it, if I don't it haunts me in my sleep until I do. However, I still have the same morning struggles as most girls with what to its a toss up between looking like a homeless bum or fresh off the runway.

But seriously styling is my dream job, a lot of these A list celebs need me in their life as much as I need them, they just don't know it yet (hire me I'm available my couch and sheep skin throw wont miss me!)

I am definitely an extrovert, loud, outgoing, crazy and far from familiar with the mute button. I am up for any adventure as long as I know there's NO possibility of death (skydive count me out). I am also a passionate lover of alcohol even though it enhances my personality and increases the fabulosity!

Yep thats me..!

Curly Tam

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