Sunday 24 August 2014

Introducing Curly Mim

Here goes...

J is for my Juicy butt well not just my butt, my whole body, I'm currently trying to make it less juicy and more firm, like an unripe avocado (eww, no one likes hard avocados do they?)
E is for my Eclectic taste in everything! I love everything! I find so much things interesting I could literally have a conversation about ants, well that's not shocking because ants are actually amazing, we could learn a lot from ants...anywaaaay..
M is for Music I love music, especially live music. Nothing beats a good gig it gives you such a buzz afterwards! (a drug-free one of course)
I is for Indecisive oh my god! I can be so indecisive I annoy myself, I don't know what it is but sometimes I find it so hard to make a decision I'd much rather be told what to do (well that's not always true, depends on who and for what reason they are giving the telling) All I'm saying is don't ever go shopping with me unless you have more than a couple of hours spare. Infact, I don't even like going shopping with people anymore because I hate being rushed!
M is for Mother in 2009 I had my son, who, not to get all clichĂ© mother on you but is the greatest gift ever! He has this unique ability to make me smile even when I don't feel like it. Being a mom is the toughest but most rewarding job I have, true stories!
A is for Acceptance because, like most women I am still learning to accept and love myself for the way I am - there are just some things we cant change. For me its the dimples in my thighs and ass, yeah, some of it is cellulite but I do genuinely have dimples too! Often I daydream about being super mega rich and the all the surgery I'd have to make myself perfect. In reality, I'm a simple, down-to-earth kinda girl. I like going to work with no make up on so I can look forward to making an effort on the weekends, I like going camping, and I don't always brush my hair. Besides, if I did have that much money I'd sure find something more worth while to spend it on, like going on an adventure with my crazy cousins, because at the end of the day its the memories that count, and I just want to live!

So, that's me in a rather small nutshell. My name is Jemima, but you can call me Mim.

Peace, Love, and all things Good!

Curly Mim x

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