Monday 22 September 2014

Introducing the one and only Curly Amuda

Introducing the one and only, Curly Amuda…

Short story, when I was growing up I absolutely hated my name.
Growing up in the 90s I was in school with the Claires', Lisas' and Traceys'. Not like today we now have so many cultures and ethnicities, which means so many different names!! Anyway back to the story…I begged my mom to change my name in the hope I would fit in to the “norm” and would never have to correct my name when the school register was called.
Growing up I became more appreciative of my name and the uniqueness that it holds reasons being 1) Its African - which I love 2) It is named after a town in Syria 3) It is a  River 4) It means,  a liquid which when consumed makes the person live life long without a death, and also means purity. I am so happy now that my mother did not agree to changing my name, there was a plan for my life and it was to bring life to people! I am now a total believer in the importance of the meaning of names and what we call our children. 

So here I am... 28 and LOVING ME!!
I am on the journey of what people call “being comfortable in my own skin”. I went natural (how silly does that sound) in 2012 and will never look back. My daughter who is 11 loves her natural hair; she does not think how I did at her age, she adores the texture of her hair (thank God)

I am totally into inspirational videos I love, love TEDx, natural homemade care for hair and skin, anything that will motivate and inspire really! I just love to see people embracing who they are and being successful at that because it gives life and inspiration to the next generation of people.
I love to capture pictures, I love olden day stuff, treasures, antiques, vintage interior and clothing.

So my short story was a rather long one, but that is a little about me in a smidge. I am super duper excited about Curly Cousins so stay tuned for the family love there will never be a dull moment with us!

Keep it cute, Keep it curly

Monday 25 August 2014

Vexed Vexed and more Vexed!

Vexed, vexed and more vexed.

Vex is an emotion that stings me now and again.

Past problems, past opinions, past choices, stand and sting me all the bloody time.

People including myself with some terrible responses to other people.

People with bad manners accusing and holding people to their past ways.

Why do I have to be the person in the middle of this?

Why can't I enjoy the stillness?

Why is this heavy load inside of me?

If it isn't work, its your man. If it isn't work colleagues, its your family!

My children can be hard but to be honest they keep me going. They make me smile, the touch of their warm padded hands on my face. Mmmm this brings fresh air and life into my lungs.

My second breath of life, my rock, gives me joke that brightens up my heart and face. I can call and they answer. They encourage me to stay sane and face the responsibilities that surround me.

I sometimes wonder if I could cope living in a rural land, in a log cabin with a grocery store not so far away...Where I can have peace and quiet... Not forced to work and pay bills... Not forced to listen to peoples opinions... To keep people out of my life, or not so close...


A cry from a pissed off woman.

To many restrictions, man I can't be arsed.

I wanna cry but the problems still remain.

So I'll keep singing in the good times and singing in the bad times because life has to go on.

I will choose to chase down peace because its mine.

I will choose to forgive so that I can love and give life.

I will choose to hold onto humility and hope that I may learn from others.

It's easy to get caught up with the pangs of life and emotions but we humans have the power to choose right or wrong.

Let us strive to be great together.


Thank God for family.

Keeping it curly...

Introducing Curly Esha

‘Roll them twists ladies, roll them twists'   
Instructing you fly ladies with my hands on my hips.
Welcome to a Snippet of Curly Eshas' world.
How would I describe myself?  I’m not afraid to let people know what I’m thinking which isn’t always a good thing because there are some sensitive people out there and I may come across as insensitive which is not  my intention. I’m contagious, fun, loving, and easy to be around... oh yeah I dislike mess especially in my house! I  freak out! Especially if my family are around putting on an event together for me, for example #BabyShower #HeartPalpitations that’s just me!
I have recently given birth, so my hair at the moment is the very last thing I’m concentrating on #justkeepingitreal. Along with getting back into shape and deciding whether I should take a year out or return back to University for my final year… Bummer!
I am the natural starter in persuading all my Curly Cousins into returning back to their natural roots, Oh Yeah I said it… My journey started not long after my wedding in 2010. I checked my reflection in the mirror one day and was disappointed in what stood before me, straight ends, roots, (that messy look) and no ooomph!!
I grabbed the scissors and cut the straight ends off; didn’t think twice. I was done with having a poor head of hair, all identity had been lost….Showed my husband and he was SHOCKED to say the least. (Funny)

The next day I went to the barbers and decided to start a fresh look by having it all clipped off at Number 2. Best thing I ever did! My hair is now the longest it’s ever been, delicious texture, who knew right?!! I dare you to try something different, you will have no regrets trust me.... I’ve learnt how to embrace my natural beauty, so come on ladies are you ready to join me on this road of transformation #MissNaturalBeauty. Let me know your story!!




Manicure Monday: How to make your Manicure last longer on natural nails

So its my first blog for Mani Mondays and I think it would be best to start of with the basics! I'm sure there are plenty of ladies out there wanting to get the most out of their DIY manicures and I can tell you how in 10 easy steps...

You will need:
White sander block
Nail file
Non acetone remover
Cotton pads
Orangewood stick
Cuticle cutter (optional)
Base coat
Top coat
Nail polish colour of your choice
Nail Clipper (optional)
Small Bowl (optional)
Cuticle oil (optional)
Small towel (optional)

Step 1:
Remove any polish on your nails, then file your nails to the desired shape and length (Remember to file your nail in one direction - not like a saw! If you want to remove a lot of length then you might want to use a nail clipper first to save time)


Step 2:
Push back your cuticles using an orange wood stick  (If your cuticles are quite hard and over grown you should soak them in a bowl of warm water at this point for about 5-10 minutes to help them soften. TIP - Rub some cuticle oil into your cuticles before you soak them)
Step 3:
After you have pushed back your cuticles you may have some cuticles left you need to nip off (which essentially is dead skin) Be very careful as you don't want to nip your live skin as you will bleed. Take care to only nip off the dead skin that is clear/white in colour. Repeat on both hands. If this all sounds a little scary you can skip this step! But practice makes perfect as they say!

Step 4:
Make sure your hands are dry if you have soaked them. Then using a white sanding block remove the shine from the nail by gently rubbing it across your nail plate (Again only moving in one direction) Repeat on both hands.


Step 5:
Remove any excess dust and oils from your nail with a cotton pad with some acetone free polish remover (Acetone free remover is kinder to natural nails)


Step 6:
Apply a base coat. I like to use a sticky basecoat such as Orly Bonder. CND Sticky basecoat is good too! Basecoats are important because not only will it help protect your nails possibly being stained by coloured polish it will give your colour coat something to 'anchor' to. Repeat on both hands

Step 7:
Apply your chosen colour in two thin coats, if it still looks patchy u can add a third coat but just make sure its thin has you don't want the polish to get 'gloopy' on your nails as it will take FORVER to dry and will probably end up smudging.

Step 8:
Apply top coat. I like to use Orly Wont Chip, but a fast drying topcoat is good for manicures at home. A good top coat will 'seal' everything in, and give your manicure a salon shine finish!

Step 9:
If you have got polish all over your fingers at this point u can wrap the end of your orangewood stick in a bit of cotton wool, dip it in your polish remover and clean up your edges.

Step 10:
Wait for them to dry! If you are at home you can use a hair dryer on a cool setting to speed up the process! Nail polish takes hours to fully dry and set on your nails so becareful with your fresh manicure for as long as you can.

AFTER CARE: Don't forget to use gloves when using cleaning products or washing up, not only will this help protect your nails but also the skin on your hands, as cleaning products have strong chemicals in that u shouldn't want on your skin anyway! You can apply your topcoat everyday or every other day to help prevent chipping and also use a cuticle oil or other moisturising oils such as almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil every day to keep your cuticles soft and moisturised this will help with healthy nail growth and dry/split cuticles.

Well that's it! I hope the steps are easy to follow, if u need any advice please feel free to comment below or follow me on instagram @mim_nails

Peace and Love

Curly Mim

Sunday 24 August 2014

Introducing Curly Idera

I was struggling to write this bio so I asked my eldest who is fifteen, “my love, how would you describe me?” all she could do was sing me 90’s tracks and give me one liners in an American accent! 
She thinks she is hilarious, but between me and you she actually is. She has definitely got the family gene of jokes and laughter. What the hell, she has even taken my funny bone because I have not got one! I have come to embrace that I am not funny, however my family have compensated me because they are waaay funny! Thank God for family.
Yes, I am a family lover and I have learnt a lot especially being the eldest of eight children to mommy Folarin. She is  an amazing woman and I am eternally grateful to her for blessing me with beautiful brothers and sisters.
Hair is just one of the skills that I have. I started my hair adventure from a young age experimenting on my little sisters and cousins. This soon turned into a job!! (Show me the monaaay I hear my eldest daughter say...) This was the foundation that brought me to my present day. I currently own my own hair salon which is based in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham.

It is great when your peers/family can see the potential in you as a child and nurture it. I thank God for my auntie who saw my potential and called me to plait my little cousins hair. This is how I earned my pocket money. (Who gets pocket money when you have sooo many siblings?) God knows we were not born with a silver spoon in our mouth. I have to give a BIG shout out to Curly Chan who kept me company on every journey to my aunts, I can still hear her whisper, “Hurry up Dera, how long now?!" Love ya long time Chant!

I am now looking forward to the Curly Cousin journey that came about through a chat group on whatsapp. The chat was formed by Amuda (I think) for Aminas 30th birthday party, then it turned into Curly Cousins UK.  I think the chat is great, its an opportunity for the girl cousins to get to know Amina more and visa versa. We catch soooo much joke, the belly cramps that cut my air supply are a thrill. The laughter is indescribable, these women are on another level of humour and straight talk! The read was is good, and we think it needs to go viral!
I am just so grateful for this new chapter as cousins - because it is an opportunity that we have never experienced before. Loved ones are reconnected, age difference doesn’t count, we are just a group of women coming together to experience our lives together while we share our skills and professions with you, and each other. I hope you enjoy the journey with us.

Keep it Curly!
(left to right - Curly Mim, Me and Curly Chan at our Aunties 50th party)
Curly Idera

Introducing Curly Abi "Self confessed selfie wanker, serial pouter and retired weave queen."


I'm Abi born hippie and the baby of the bunch, currently trying to build my natural beauty empire.
I love all things pretty, pink and fabulous!! - I would rather wear flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck- ;)

Currently going through my natural hair journey, as a retired weave queen it was a very tearful and heart breaking experience, I am now enjoying my natural hair, loving and learning new things everyday.

I am a full - time assistant manager with a very fast and high turnover store. Working in retail has helped mould me into the woman I am today, dealing with all walks and smells of life (smells meaning smelly people) has seriously taught me a great deal of patience!!

So excited to be starting this journey with my big and beautiful family - My cousins and sisters are the best friends the universe gave to me. Join us, Whether you are interested in hair, beauty, fitness, health or even just a good old moan I am sure you will find something on our site for you.

As you follow us on our journeys it will be none stop tears, laughter and fun!

Pre- Natural Me

Natural Me 

Curly Abi x

Rise of the Selfie Wanker by Curly Mim

Selfies are strange aren’t they. I find them so awkward and every time I post one on instagram or whatever I feel a little embarrassed inside. How could you not? Especially those mirror ones, and ones taken by men! Urgh! For some reason I do find it less embarrassing for women and I’m sorry if my man was taking and posting half naked pics, and pouting pics, and workout pics (I mean who gives a crap if your in the gym, go and workout out then…) well he just wouldn’t be my man…not my type.

Now i’m not saying that I don’t take selfies, I do, and after careful consideration I might even put one on the world wide web. But…I’m not the most confident person – not that I think I’m hideous either, that would be a bit over dramatic. However, every time I try to take a selfie I always end up analysing my face and coming up with ten thousand flaws…like my wonky nose that you can only see if you catch my face at the right angle and intensely stare, or my eyes that look cock-eyed (sorry don’t know the politically correct word) especially if I’m drunk, or that fact that my bottom lip always looks gigantic compared to my top one, or that my smile is lop sided, or my hair looks shit…you get the picture. So obviously at this point I’ve deleted the picture and any others in my phone just incase I lose it and someone discovers my secret stash of selfies and thinks I’m the most vain person on the planet for reasons unknown – which of course, I’m not. (I’m laughing now because I actually do this and it’s ridiculous)
Anyway back to the point…Living in a time where people are so caught up on image, perfection, acceptance and eagerness to be liked, the rise of the self proclaimed ‘selfie wanker’ is on the increase. I think as humans we naturally seek acceptance from one another anyway as a means to survive. Historically I mean, if you believe in Neanderthals and the like, we needed people to like us so that they didn’t kill us. But now in the New Age the selfie is the perfect way to get this gratification we so desperately need. You could be having a shit day post a picture of yourself, get a few likes and instantly feel better…wanted. But why seek it from total strangers? People that you might not ever meet, people that will like your picture but not say hello to you in the street…weird. I don’t get that. People that will judge you just based on what you look like. Are you not more than that? Are WE not more than that? I think we are…the problem is a lot of young people nowadays see success in followers and likes…this just baffles me especially if you’re not even trying to promote a business! It’s crazy, so much people want to be famous and with the rise in reality tv, and the de-sensitization of sex in the media its not hard to see why, you don’t even have to be talented these days, if you can take a good ass shot your half way there. Sex sells as they say. (But that’s a whole other post) Anyway, I know I wouldn’t want to be judged in that way. I’d much rather someone say I was a ‘bad bitch’ because of my bad ass opinions or amazing because of what I do for other people or beautiful because I try to see the best in everything and everyone (which admittedly can be quite a challenge)…not because I take nice pictures…of myself.
I’ve got to admit though, somewhere deep down in the pit of self worth I do secretly wish I was a little more confident, like the ‘selfie wankers’ of todays society. I could imagine I would feel somewhat liberated to break free from the shackles of self consciousness and not give a fuck about what anyone else thought of me.
But they do care, we all care about what other people think, because we all have the need to be liked, loved, accepted by someone. We, mankind depend on it…

(Here is a selection of some of my best, worst and favourite selfies from the stash!)

Curly Mim x